2021 – Water & Road Design Project 1A

Description of Project:

This is Project 1 of 12 in the 10-Year Water and Roads Plan. Prepare construction drawings and specifications to remove and replace ~7,200’ of Blue Hills Drive and cul-de-sac roads with new asphalt overlay and the removal and replacement of water service feeder lines and individual water meters in the project area. A full description of this project scope can be found in the 10-Year Water and Roads Plan located HERE.

Basis for Project:

As noted in the Engineering report, the most significant road wear exists on the front/back gate entrance roads and Rampart. Additionally, a significant cost saving opportunity exists in partnering with Weyerhaeuser when they replace their road that runs parallel to Blues Hill Drive in 2022.  

Value to Membership:

High reliability of water distribution and water quality. High reliability of road performing with minimal maintenance. 

Road design planning will include discussions with utility providers to encourage them to upgrade their service lines while the roads are under construction. This will minimize their cost and eliminate tearing up newly constructed roads when providers perform utility upgrades. 

Preliminary Cost/ Schedule:

The CCA Board authorized a $202,842 expenditure on June 26th to fund an Engineering, Design and Inspection Contract. Design schedule due in August. A Fixed Price Contract was issued to KPFF to complete this effort which includes the cost for Construction Management.

The images below reflects the year in which Project 1A will be completed and the location of the work.