In 2023 the Board commissioned Northwest Water Systems to conduct a water rate study, to assist in updating the water rates.
To view the Water Rate Study 2024 Clearwood Water Rate Study
The Water Service Plan for the Clearwood Water System (WSID #13615U), dated July 3, 2019, was approved by the Board of Directors on April 25, 2020.
To view the Water System Plan, Click Here
Realtors: Water Report Information, click link below:
Step #1 click on accept
Step #2 go to the water system ID & enter the number 13615
Step #3 click on submit
- The latest Consumer Confidence Report
- Information about Reading your Meter (click here)
- For a presentation on Water Conservation (click here)
- Indoor Water Conservation Tips (click here)
- Outdoor Water Conservation Tips (click here)
- WA State Office of Drinking Water:
The Clearwood Community Association owns and operates the Water System. It is its most important commonly owned asset. This is a quick overview of the system.
The Clearwood Water System has two reservoirs located just outside the back gate in an easement on Weyerhaeuser property that was obtained in 1965. Reservoir #1 was built in 1975 and holds 182,000 gallons of water. Reservoir #2 was added in 1997 and holds 423,00 gallons of water.
The water system has two active wells, Wells #1 and #2, which are located next to each other in Division 1. Well #1 was built in 1965 and is 76 feet deep. It has a pumping capacity of 90 gpm (gallons per minute). Well #2 was built in 1975 and is 66 feet deep with a pumping capacity of 320 gpm. In addition, we have an emergency-use-only well, Well #4, which is located in Division 7, next to the ball field. There was a Well #3, next to Well #4, which was built in 1996 but was decommissioned afterwards due to sand issues following an earthquake. It became necessary to build well #4 in 2001. A finer screen was installed for better sand filtration.
Well #4 is 45 feet deep and has a pumping capacity of 300 gpm but is susceptible to contamination and requires chlorination and boiling to be potable. A boil water advisory is in effect during the operation of this well. Well #3 may be used to backup the system but it is not a reliable water source due to sand issues. Its water will also have to be boiled same as well #4.
The water system serves 1355 metered residential connections, 30 metered community connections, and 35 fire hydrants. The system uses 12 miles of pipe consisting of different sizes and materials of which 80% are asbestos concrete, 19% are PVC, and 1% are ductile iron.
The Clearwood water system is considered a Class A municipal water system and is regulated by the State Department of Health (DOH). The community is contracting with Northwest Water Systems to operate the system.
Additional Information:
General Manager
Racheal Paige
Phone: 360-894-2941
Email: [email protected]