Z 2019 Special Election

Election Results

Ballots Received of Members in Good Standing  –  219 (222 total received)  –  A quorum was present.

Board Resolution 2019-11-01
A Resolution to Ratify the 2020 Budget

Votes YES: ​168  –  MEASURE PASSED.

Votes NO: 47

Board Resolution 2019-11-02
A Resolution to Amend the Bylaws for the Budget and Election Process

Votes YES: 177  –  MEASURE PASSED.

Votes NO: 39

Board Resolution 2019-11-03
A Resolution to Amend the Bylaw Definitions

Votes YES: 178  –  MEASURE PASSED.

Votes NO: 35

Board Resolution 2019-11-04
A Resolution to Amend the Bylaws to Allow for the Reallocation of Assessments

Votes YES: 159  –  MEASURE PASSED.

Votes NO: 46