2021 Election

For 2021 Voter’s Pamphlet, Click Here.

The 2021 Election will be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting, to be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021.
The following items will be voted upon:
  • Candidates for 2 open Board positions
  • Budget for 2022
  • Resolutions (changes in ByLaws or Rules & Regulations) proposed by the Board
  • Resolutions (changes in ByLaws or Rules & Regulations) proposed by Members


Board Resolutions

Board resolutions begin with an idea or an identified need in the community.  The Board discusses how to approach it and assigns the Board’s Policy Subcommittee to draft a resolution, which will be taken to the Community at the Annual General Meeting and Election for approval or rejection.
The Policy Subcommittee reports back, with a draft of the proposed resolution.  It may be accepted as is or returned to the Subcommittee for revisions.  In some cases, it may be forwarded to the attorney at this time with questions about the language or intention of the resolution.
Once the Resolution has been accepted by the Board, it is submitted to the community’s attorney for a final review, for consistency with the law and our other governing documents.
Beginning this year, the Resolution is also sent to the Finance Committee for review to determine whether there are financial implications (increased or decreased costs).
For a list of this year’s proposed resolutions, with their status as of July 24, 2021 Click Here