February 2018

It’s another new month and once again, all I can say is that time flies when your having fun! (Or not)

This has turned out to be a tumultuous month for Clearwood. There are a lot of moving pieces and a lot of coordination happening on every front.

First, we have lost a long time employee to retirement!  Elaine from the front office has left so the office is running a wee bit short staffed.  Rebecca has stepped up to help out while we hire.  We have decided to hire a Community Property Manager and shuffle some duties and responsibilities.  We are not increasing the number of staff we have but there is a change in reporting relationships.  We will start screening applications on February 14th. Part of this plan is to integrate a property standards program to keep us working towards higher compliance levels to our CCRs.

Syndi Martin has resigned her Office as Treasurer and remains as a Board member. The Board nominated Linda Azzarella as the new Treasurer. Yvonne Moore has been re-seated as Liaison for the Finance Committee. Wendi Broden has been re-seated on the Finance Committee along with John Moore, Robert Hung, Deborah Baker, and Bob Owen. They are working hard on getting the 2019 Budget done in preparation for the March Meeting.

With the change in Treasurer and Office Manager I am in the process of ensuring that the necessary changes are made to signatories, key control, alarm access, and all the daily operational tasks that need to occur with these type of wholesale changes as a matter of protecting assets.

Our Board Secretary is busy preparing the necessary resolutions to bring forth to the March Meeting.  Because our three year contract with our auditor has expired, and he is moving on to other opportunities we are looking for a new qualified auditor with HOA experience.

We have completed our Water Plan and that is going in to the Department of Health as required. Northwest Water Systems is working on the bid documents for the filtration system and pump station. That is one of Albert’s priorities. We are one step closer to Well 5 being ready to roll.

The Gate Committee is making process and is in the midst of finalizing concept so we can move on to bids and installation. It is our goal to have new Gates installed by Summer.

I’m sure by now you will have seen the new website. I want to take a minute and thank Volunteer Wendi Broden for all her hard work. She has been working on this since November. The site contains a number of built in efficiencies once activated that will make things easier on you as homeowners to do things like apply for permits, submit violations, and express interest in Volunteering in your community online. In addition to efficiencies that will save time and effort, the new website is extremely user friendly and much easier to navigate.

As a reminder, we are holding our Volunteer event this month! If you’re an Association Volunteer and you haven’t RSVP’d it’s time to do so!

Keep in mind that we are soon moving into Spring and the most wonderful time of year here in Clearwood. It’s time to get back outside and get yards cleaned up, roofs cleared, and spring cleaning done. Time to sit on the porch and hear the wind whistle through the trees and the chatter of chipmunks in the morning!

Here’s wishing you all a happy February