February 17, 2018

I am writing this digest to recap for you the results at the end of the day, on Saturday February 17, 2018 at the February Board Meeting.

As you are more than aware, there has been a significant amount of stress and strife in the community based on the inability of the Board to work together professionally. A recent recall effort was on its third leg of a four part process and tensions were high at the Board Meeting this morning. Members were present to submit the signatures required to call a Special Election. A couple of Board Members had resigned prior to the meeting and two others, including me, had gone out on an extended leave while the recall effort moved forward. The three Board Members present, worked with previous leaders in the community and were able to resolve the issues with the agreed upon resignation of Ms. Martin.

Today, at the Board Meeting, Syndi Martin resigned from the Board as a Director, following her initial resignation from the role of treasurer at the end of last month. This nullified the need to hold a Special Meeting in March for the purpose of removing her from directorship. The resignation of Em Seymour was rescinded and approved unanimously by the Board. Timothy Francen was appointed to replace Richard Hill who resigned on Friday. He has also been assigned as the Roads and Water Liaison. Emily Martin’s resignation as Volunteer Coordinator was accepted by the Board, but she has opted to remain on the MAC committee. Em Seymour voluntarily stepped down from the role of Vice President and the Board in turn voted Valerie Cawley into office as the new Vice President. Em Seymour remains on the Board, as co-Liaison on the ACC committee and liaison for the MAC committee. Wendi Broden has accepted the position of Volunteer Coordinator.

Minutes of the entire meeting will be posted in the next 5 to 7 days so that you will have a full set of details as to business matters that were passed at the meeting. For the most part, I have addressed the highlights from the meeting above.

I wanted to take a few minutes to express the deepest apologies from the remaining Board as to the turmoil that has been a part of this community for the last year, and even more so in the last couple of months. The current Board now consists of 6 members and a decision has been made to pend sitting another director until we determine if there is anyone who plans to express interest in serving on the Board in the near future. Candidates need to make their declaration at the March Board Meeting. The vacant position comes up for election in August.

This mornings meeting had a rough start but the end result is one that brought people together, offered some significant lessons and provided resolve to many issues. For the first time in years, the two splintered factions that have governed in Clearwood in the last several years, have for the most part come together and are working in the interest of the community. Many have said that this is not something they ever expected to see. It is important to acknowledge that this “good” came out of the recent turmoil.

It wouldn’t be fair however to not give Syndi Martin credit for the good work that she has done. Syndi was the main driver in putting together a plan to educate the community on the ever increasing costs of Operations. She was a part of developing a plan to inform members about the need for an Assessment Increase and was a integral part of the success in passing the $85 annual Operations Assessment Increase.

In closing, the Board will be taking the time to re-normalize and are busily preparing for the March Meeting. The Board has agreed to put the past behind us and move forward for the best interest of Clearwood. These recent issues have put us behind in planning for the March Meeting and we will be scheduling a work session in the very near future to work through some issues and ensure we have all the necessary documents and resolutions prepared to present to membership in March. All member resolutions must be written and presented at the March Meeting. Please watch for the forms and signature sheets to be posted on the website so that you can attach any resolutions that you plan to submit to membership along with the petition and the appropriate number of Member signatures.