Continuing to Make Progress

Overall I will tell you that we continue to make progress. We have met with several members over the last month and reviewed the needs of the Association. We have wrapped up the annual audit and had our site visit for the reserves Study. We are meeting with state agency’s to get guidance on continued work on the bulkheads, are almost done with our water plan, moving along with Well 5, restarted a radar and speed enforcement program, and are continuing to move forward with compliance requirements. We have lost one member of our Board, and are hoping for more to come forward who have an interest. We will take letters of interest until October 15th.

In spite of the progress, it is still disheartening to hear the negativity from a small faction of residents who consistently complain but do nothing to help solve the issue. The good news is that it is a small group. Unfortunately they have a chilling effect on new members who move into the community until they are able to hook up with a member who understands the landscape in our little tucked away gem called Clearwood.

If you are new and feel lost and bogged down, let me start out by saying that although I don’t subscribe to the Clearwood Community Residents Facebook Page, I do read it. If you are looking for accurate information, in most cases you will not find it there if it’s about the upcoming election. As I have mentioned before, we will not post official Clearwood Business on the page because the posts are often filled with errors, accusations, and supposition that leads to misunderstandings and misinformation. Currently there are several posts where a more seasoned member or two have made an effort to correct misunderstandings. In some cases closed minds refuse to see the truth.

Your Board of Directors consists of six people right now. To criticize us for rules we did not make, or hold us to blame for previous poor decisions is non productive and will get this community nowhere fast.

Let me dispel a few myths:

  • Board meetings are not held to inconvenience you on Saturdays. They are ALWAYS held on Saturdays at 9 because a majority of the working class is off. Four of your six volunteer Board members work full time during the business week.
  • Having a proxy notarized is the only way to register the identification of an owner when they are not here to be registered in person. It ensures a fair and well-run election.
  • Mail in ballots are not allowed by the Clearwood Governing Documents for Special Meetings.
  • The formula for establishing a quorum is dictated by the Governing Documents. The Board does not sit around and make up rules because we don’t want to follow the ones we have.
  • Once there is a quorum at the meeting a simple majority of votes will either pass or fail the Assessment Increase and the RV Resolution.

If you truly care about this community and its future, you will take the time to educate yourself with accurate information. And you will vote. Your voting results will determine next steps for this community. If you don’t understand what you are reading then you should email or call a Board member. Emailing [email protected] is the best method of communications. We would be happy to educate you.

To all of you who have expressed support, come forward to volunteer, and take the time to make this a better place to live – thank you! We are seeing folks who were staying away slowly come back to offer their skills and gifts to the community! Thank you so much! People who are New are volunteering and stepping forward with enthusiasm! Thank you!

And speaking of volunteers, we are looking to set up a couple of work party’s to be on call to help in two specific circumstances:
1- Snow Removal: do you want to volunteer with your kubota, tractor, or bladed ATV to help with streets and berms from the plow? Or agree to be on a shovel crew to help out some of our elderly and handicapped neighbors? With an insurance waiver and a willingness to follow work crew guidelines we could use the help of a few individuals!
2- Chain Saw Gang: would be needed in the event of a wind or ice event that caused trees to fall across roadways. Will need help to cut them up and get out of roadway so emergency vehicles and other cars are able to get by.
If your interested and can help email our Volunteer Coordinator with your name and contact info along with your availability and we will get in touch for some just in time training and safety Orientation! [email protected].

Thank you for reading! Please come to the Special Meeting and vote yes! I am also happy to be your proxy if you fill out your form and have it notarized and dropped off at the office where it will be locked up until I pick them up to take with me to the meeting!