April President’s Digest 2018

April Showers bring May Flowers! What a beautiful time of year this is turning out to be! And so much going on! First, our Members Activity Committee put on an awesome Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids! Thank you, ladies, for a job well done! Soon we will see the opening of Fishing Season and the fishing derby! We do need some help with the derby! You can either email Wendi Broden ([email protected]) as the Volunteer Coordinator or stop by the office and sign up for a shift! It will be lots of fun! And there are cash prizes!

Lots of good stuff happening in the community! We are beginning pilot filtration testing on the new well. We are close to contracting the replacement of the security gates at both the front and back locations. The bulkhead work on Reichel and Otter Beach is ongoing, and Meadow Road will be replaced this year.

I believe this Board has made a lot of progress for the community and our work and dedication continues. The Board seated Secretary Yvonne Moore as Vice President, and we thank her for taking on that additional office. Our newest Board Member, Tim Francen is diligently working to get the Roads and Water Committee together. Decisions about overall road repair and evaluation of the water pipe infrastructure is critical. This committee is looking for some community residents who experienced or not would be committed to researching the issues and helping to develop a plan. And lastly, we will be starting our Compliance reviews with a paid staff member spending at least two hours a day doing Property Standards reviews. I have monitored Facebook and some people clearly have a healthy respect for the rules and regulations that come when living in an HOA, and then there are some who do not. Our rules help to maintain a well-maintained housing community that is beautiful, clean, and in good repair. Your home is your biggest investment and increased property values add value to your portfolio.

Our March meeting brought forth some proposed Member Resolutions and some Board Resolutions. I am happy to say that we have some very important issues up for vote. I am going to plead with Owners to take the time to become educated about your community. A new piece of legislation has reversed the court decisions based on current RCW language about assessments and including them in the budget instead of separate from. The numbers it takes to approve a budget are now the same numbers needed to approve an increase in assessments. This makes it even more important that you as owners understand the Association financials and ensure that you nominate and vote for Board members that you trust and believe are working in your best interest. So, I encourage you to block off the 3rd Saturday in May and come to the Informational Meeting to ask questions.

For our May Meeting I am hoping to get a Reserve Study Specialist to come and answer your questions and talk about Reserve funding. I think that will be interesting for everyone. We have a lot of new residents and I’m sure they have lots of questions!

Until next month!