Special Meeting Reminder

I want to send out a personal reminder to all Clearwood Members about how important this meeting next Saturday is! While many have been unhappy with the establishment of a quorum, the fact remains that we want as many people there in person or by proxy as possible! The greater the numbers the more accurate the cross section displays the wants of the Members. Many many many of you have given us your support and agreed that this Board is going in the right direction. There are still those in the shadows who cast dispersion and untruths and have gone as far as to attempt to start the process to remove a couple of us from the Board. If you feel we deserve your support then please let us know.

I understand there will be biscuits and gravy, coffee and donuts while we get the Special Meeting started and get ready to vote. Once results are announced we will go on to our Regular Business Meeting. Our Secretary will have the Agendas out soon!

Thank you to the MRC committee and the wonderful event they have once again put on! I was unable to attend as I just returned home from a family emergency in Arizona and needed a little down time before going back to work this week! But thank you to all the volunteers who helped, baked and made it fun for the kids!

Hope to see you all this Saturday!

Laura Drybread, President