News from the Pres

As we get closer to summer vacation, it seems we have a lot going on in Clearwood! This month we had 8 new residents at our HOA orientation! We have some exceptionally nice and wonderful people moving into the community!

Our Gate project is not going as smoothly as we would like, but it is getting done and I, just like you will be much happier when it is done!

We have made a change to the June Board meeting. We will be holding it at the Fire Station on June 23rd at 9 am so there is some extra room if more people come than usual. Eugene Kyyan from VIS Group, Professional Property Management Company is on the Agenda to talk to the Board and answer our questions about PPM. He and two of the company’s community managers will be present. Working on the economy of scale and with professional expertise in the management of HOAs, they have estimated that they can save the community a substantial amount of money. The Board has also received updated information from Total Property Management Company. They have been out here a couple of times already.

Because a lot of folks don’t understand what PPM is, I am attaching a promotional presentation that outlines the services provided by most companies. Of course they vary by company. (Click HERE to view this document)

If you have questions about PPM, please address it to Clearwood at [email protected]. Put PPM in the subject line and articulate the question. I will forward all questions received by Friday this next week all at once to Mr. Kyyan by the end of this week so he can address the questions. Please come to the meeting.

I wish you all a great week.