Important Presidents Digest

Meeting Schedules

Just a reminder, that the Board Meeting normally held on the third Saturday of every month has been set back by one week and will be held at 9 AM at the Bald Hills Fire station on the 23rd of this Month. We are going to be joined by the CEO of VIS Property Management and two of his community Managers so that they can talk with the Board about Professional Property Management. As you are aware this is a topic of conversation that the Board has had with the community over the last several years and we believe that we are in a time and place where it is time to seriously consider a higher level of management than self-management. 

I have additionally called a Special Board Meeting on the 30th of this month so that we can focus on issues around preparation for the Election, elect community members to serve as election officers at the August meeting, and the Board wants to continue the discussion about Professional Property Management.

There will be a Board meeting on July 7th to finish up plans for the August Meeting and take care of July Business. Two of the five of us are planning on taking family time over the weekend that the meeting is normally held yet we still have community work to do.


I am thankful for those of you who have been supportive of the construction process. It has been a scheduling challenge and it seems like if something could be delayed, it was. Anyone who has ever worked a project like this or even been a part of construction projects at their homes knows that there are delays that you just can’t be in control of. The back gates have been hung. There needs to be some finish work on the asphalt. The front gate demolition starts Tuesday morning, so you will need to use the back or emergency gate. Once both gates are fully installed the cameras and recognition system will be programmed and installed. We will do our best to keep you as informed as possible. I will clarify that there has been ONE contractor who, like many businesses, sub-contracts certain work as a part of the overall project. There has NOT been a contractor fired, and the gate is still on target, according to the contractor, to be done by the end of this month. And no one has absconded with the 50% deposit of approx $50,000. The other half will be paid upon completion and certification of all work done to contract. The project is bonded as a requirement of the signed contract. There has NOT been an increase in Crime since our gates have been open. I have regularly watched this site and can see by address what kind of 911 calls have been made. Our Patrol committee is out on extra patrols and doing a lot of watching while we work through the gates being open as a precaution. 

Once the gates are up and Operational we will be replacing the fences on either side of the gates up to the pedestrian entrances with a foundation structure that will allow there to be better lighting for safety purposes. Our staff will be completing that work. 

Other Stuff

Keep an eye on your mail in the next month. We are in the process of getting the Voters Pamphlet ready to go out. Please take the time to study it. Do your own fact checking. Ask questions. Make sure you know what you are voting for. 

And last but not least, thank you to those of you who have been supportive of your Board of Directors. And to those who understand that we are not a group of secretive misfits who are made out to be malfeasance riddled human beings. It is by choice that I don’t respond to the disparaging and untruthful remarks being made. The Board as a whole has recently posted a statement as to WHY we do not defend ourselves or respond to slanderous and libelous statements made by disgruntled members on Facebook or other Social Media. We know there are others who read those very same remarks, and just like me, feel pity for the depth and unhappiness that one must feel in their own life to focus such hate and discontent onto others. 

You can see our Statement here:

Clearwood Official Facebook Page: HERE
Clearwood Community Residents Group: HERE
Clearwood – Bald Hills NextDoor: HERE