Outgoing President’s Message

August 20, 2018


Today I slept in: no Staff Meeting; no checks to sign, no member issues to resolve, no gate issues, and no early calls.  I finally retired after sixteen years looking out for my community.

Members ask me what the President of the Board of Directors does every day. The truth is that while there are a number of scheduled meetings every month a considerable number of unscheduled issues crop up on a daily basis. Luckily the Maintenance Manager and Office Manager take care of their own departments, and do it well. Their knowledge and skills are invaluable in a community like ours which self-manages it’s water system and infrastructure. 

In Clearwood, the President is also the Operations Manager with a supervisory role over all that goes on, and that sometimes means making executive decisions when emergencies occur, when there is no time to call a Special Board Meeting or get directors involved.

Ten weeks ago after three Officers left, the mission of the remaining directors was to hold the Board together. The situation evolved week by week as different Past Presidents, VPs, a Treasurer, and past directors stepped up to help through the crisis before stepping down again. These volunteers were invaluable during their short stay on the Board. In the last seven weeks we seated four new directors bringing the Board of Directors back to a full complement of seven for the first time in several months. 

On Saturday August 18, 2018 a new Board was formed. Four of the new directors may be new to the Clearwood ways of doing things but they are ready and willing to learn. They bring valuable skills from their working lives and are prepared to take over the reins with the help of the three experienced directors on the Board and the support of the community.

This Board is probably the youngest Board in the history of Clearwood working with a few seasoned pros. As directors they have what it takes and will do well under the leadership of Emily Martin as President, and Sooze Fitsik as V.P. who already have management experience. John Moore is taking care of the financial and tax issues as he did before when he was Treasurer. Linda Doucette brings experience as a Past President, Tom Jones is a whizz with emergency issues, Heather Figueroa is stepping in as Secretary with Andrew Eubanks bringing a wide range of skills to the table. Wendi Broden keeps us on track in her position as Executive Secretary.

The Community is in good hands and I hope some of you will step up to help out on Roads & Water, Finance, Violations and ACC, Community Property (CPC) or MAC committees. In the past volunteers were the life-blood of the community and they can be again with your help. An hour or two a month can make a big difference in helping the Board succeed. Thanks to everyone who volunteers to help make this community a great place to live and to those who have helped and supported me over the years.

Valerie Cawley