2019 Annual Meeting Update- Ballot Counting

The CCA annual membership meeting is this coming Saturday at Reichel Beach at 9:00 am.

In a change from past practices, volunteers will be counting ballots rather than staff. Ballot counting will be performed inside the Association office starting Saturday morning. All ballots will be counted twice by two different groups to maintain integrity.
We are seeking three members interested in being observers to attend. Observers will be seated near the volunteer counters to enable full view of the process. The observers will not be allowed to engage in any conversation during the counting process.

This change brings more transparency to the voting process and places the control of the vote into the hands of the membership.
Members in good standing interested in being an observer are asked to send an email to info@clearwood. Volunteers will be selected on first come first served basis.

If you have questions, please contact the General Manager at [email protected].

Thank you.