Dear Clearwood Community Members,

We know there has been some confusion in the billing with our new system. Members should have received two statements:

  • One overviews the Assessments. This includes the 2019 Annual Assessment in the amount of $555.00. It also shows any past due balances from prior years.
  • The second statement includes two invoices: One for the Annual Water Base Rate of $185.00, plus the Quarterly Water Consumption (January’s Water Bill).

Please note, the Annual Assessment and Annual Water Base Rate, in total, is $740 which is known as the Annual Membership Dues. No rates have increased or decreased, they are just now separate statements. A total breakdown of our Assessments, Fees, and Fines can be found under the Community tab.

Some of the quarterly water bills, specifically those with tier-two and tier-three assessments, were billed incorrectly. There are some members who received duplicate bills for the Annual Water Base Rate, and some who’s Annual Assessments did not generate. Our bookkeeper and her team are auditing the entire member invoice system to make sure accurate amounts are shown, removing duplicate entries, and processing invoices for any members without Annual Assessments.

Our aim is to have the systems corrected by February 28th and all quarterly water bills that were improperly assessed are corrected and re-sent to those members.

No late fees will be assessed until after March 31st which gives all members the opportunity to view their corrected bills and have time to pay within the 30 days. We are ensuring future billing will not have these errors and as we work out these new systems, new processes and procedures will be implemented to ensure future errors are avoided.



Clearwood Community Association