Upcoming Election Member PRO & CON Statements | Sign-Up!

Dear Clearwood Members,

It is our desire that the Membership be presented with as much information as possible to ensure that we’re all casting an informed vote when it’s time to do so. It was brought to the Board’s attention that we’d overlooked the inclusion of ‘Pro’ & ‘Con’ statements for the resolutions in the voter pamphlets. While not a requirement for our elections, this is a component of Membership involvement that I believe should not be overlooked – it gives our neighbors a chance to  speak in to the decisions we all have to consider. Because this was not discussed prior to the mailing of the ballots, I’m proposing that we make this happen in the next two weeks. These statements will be provided to all Members at the upcoming Informational Meeting, and posted online for all to see.

There’s only a short time to do this, but it’s doable.

Please consider signing up to collaborate with other Members to formalize a Pro and Con statement for each of the voting items. Your voice matters, and it’s in everyone’s best interest that we all process different opinions and ideas in these issues. Consider bringing your opinions forward with other devoted and interested Members in these very important items of business.

Very Respectfully,

Aaron Lang, President, CCA


See more information about the upcoming Informational Meeting…