Lackamas Teacher Parade-May 6, 2020

Lackamas Teacher Parade
Save the date!

When:​ May 6th @12:30pm We will enter Clearwood from the back gate and drive the designated route then around 12:50pm leave Clearwood via front gate heading down Bald Hill to Longmire/Hobson road.

Where​: attached map through Clearwood and Longmire/Hobson Road

Why​: to show our students and families how much we miss and love them!

How​: Teachers, Officer Moody, Bald Hills Fire, and a couple of our awesome buses and drivers will drive through the routes provided on the map.. ALL staff MUST stay in their vehicle (NO stopping) and families must stay on their lawns,porches, driveways or closest spot from your house. We want to respect the 6ft social distancing rule at all times and encourage you all to do the same. We will be starting at the back gate. We will go slow, no faster than 15mph throughout Clearwood. Can’t wait to see your faces and to show all the love to our students and families that we miss so much!