Bidders Will Be On Site

The Association has sent out Requests for Proposals on three projects:

1) a site and soils study for the 3 tennis courts to determine what it will take to bring them to a usable condition,
2) a study of what it will take to address the impact on Clearwood of the Weyerhaeuser culvert project, and
3) creating a 10 year water pipe and roads upgrade plan.

Five of the six local civil engineering firms attended a meeting with Management last Tuesday and are interested in submitting bids for the work requested.

Bids are due to CCA by August 21st.  To prepare their bids, all five companies were given a single access card so they can enter and tour the area to help prepare their bids.  The cards will terminate on August 21st.  You may see folks walking the roads, staring at the tennis courts or walking around the south entrance as part of the bid process.