Pros and Cons Process

It has been a Clearwood tradition for members to create PRO and CON statements for each year’s Annual General Election resolutions. In previous years, they would be added to the voter’s pamphlet. This year will look different. They won’t be going into the voter’s pamphlet for a few reasons. They are difficult to add into our voter pamphlet, it costs more money to print with more pages added to the pamphlet and there is no bylaw or rule that states we must include them. All that said, we still want to continue the tradition for PRO and CON statements. They will be posted on the Clearwood website and will be presented at a Town Hall on October 17th.
The board is inviting members to sign up to help create the PRO and CON statements. Staying with tradition, there will only one pro and one con per resolution with members working in groups. When you sign up you will be asked for your contact information. As members sign up, you will be put in the group of your choosing you all will be given each other’s contact information. There are many ways members can work together and safely as the board and committees have been.  Zoom has a free platform (, email, or working in small groups (if your group is smaller than 10) sticking with COVID guidelines.
  • SEPTEMBER 21ST 5PM – DEADLINE to sign up to create a pro/con with the office or to [email protected] 
  • OCTOBER 5th 5PM – DEADLINE for groups to turn in their draft pro/con statements to the office or [email protected] 
We are asking members to sign up to speak to a pro or con statement as well at the Town Hall on Saturday October 17th 10am.  
  • OCTOBER 15TH 5PM- DEADLINE to sign up to speak to at the Town Hall. 
GUIDELINE for PRO/CON Statements  
  • One pro/con statement per Resolution 
  • 200 words maximum
  • No foul language  
  • Must be factual (no hyperbole or assumptions) 
  • The group must choose a speaker to read their statement at the Town Hall