2022 Election

The 2022 Election was held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting on Saturday, November 5, 2022.

Election Results

2023 Budget Results – 337 votes cast
Resolution 2022-09-01 – A Resolution to Ratify the 2023 Budget 
Yes – 127 No – 210  Passed
(State law requires a No vote of 50% of the membership plus 1 for the Budget to fail)
Bylaw Resolution Results 
Resolution 2022-09-02 – A Resolution to Amend the Bylaws to Provide for an Audit Review and Remove Language Which is Incorrect 
Yes –  275  No 43 Passed
Resolution 2022-09-03 –  A Resolution to Amend the Bylaws to Provide the Board with Discretion in Setting the Interest Rate on Assessments  
Yes – 237  No 78  Passed
Rules & Regulations Resolution Results 
Resolution 2022-09-04 – A Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations Regarding Disclosure of Association and Member Information  
Yes – 238  No – 77  Passed
Resolution 2022-09-05 – A Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations Permanent Vehicle Stalls  
Yes – 211   No – 101  Passed
Administrative Resolutions 
2022-09-06 – A Resolution to Approve the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes 
Yes – 238  No – 25  Passed
Board Candidate Election Results 
Christopher Fincke
143 Votes – Not elected
Christian Gates 
233 Votes – Elected  
Phillip Holzinger
211 Votes – Elected
Walter White
197 Votes – Elected
Voter’s Pamphlet CCA 2022 (Click Here)
The full text of the proposed resolutions is contained in the Voter’s Pamphlet.

Board Positions

Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting and serve for 3 years.  For more information, (Click Here)

Member Resolutions

Member resolutions begin with a member’s idea or an identified need in the community. The member uses the Resolution format (Click Here) to create a draft resolution.  It must be submitted no later than the third Monday in June and is presented to the Board  for consideration at their June Board Meeting.   It will then be taken to the Community at the Annual General Meeting and Election for approval or rejection.

Board Resolutions

Board resolutions begin with an idea or an identified need in the community.  The Board discusses how to approach it and sends their ideas to the attorney to be drafted into a resolution.  It will then be taken to the Community at the Annual General Meeting and Election for approval or rejection.