Ushering in 2018

As we sail into the month of January we have a lot of work ahead of us for the New Year!  First, let’s tie up last year with a bow and talk about some of our Accomplishments to date:

*We have completed drilling for Well #5, done testing, and are in the process of contracting to have our Filtration System built and installed.

*The Annual Reserve Study has been returned to the Association.  At the current time it is under review for accuracy and once any potential changes are submitted to the Reserve Study Contractor to finalize the report it will be published in its entirety so that you can see exactly what has been reported, what is anticipated to fund the Association, and what the remaining life is of our Amenities and Assets.  When that is published we will share more information.

*Last year we voted to pass a $85.00 Assessment Increase which has gone into effect for 2018 and will show on  your dues assessment bill for this year.  Remember, that if you have any questions at all about your bill you can always call the office and they will gladly assist you!

*Office Hours were extended last year to 5 days a week with a late day on Wednesday up until 7 pm.

*The Roads and Water Committees have been reinstated and will be specifically working with Roads and Water Projects-both of which are addressed in the Reserve Study.

*The Patrol Group is up and running and is out and about quite frequently. They have started working speed control , developed a vacation house check process, and are continuing to work with Sheriff patrols.

*We have been able to recruit a number of new Volunteers on our committees and we want to thank them for their service.  We are planning to meet for a Lunch and Recognition event on February 10th and thank all of them on behalf of the community.  Thank you to Emily Martin who has done a dynamite job at recruiting new folks to work with us.

And of course, a lot of these things have led to the beginnings of the work that we are doing for 2018.

*We have established a top 5 priority list for 2018 and have begun work on those items.  There will be report outs by sub committees and Board Members who are Points of Contacts on these items starting in January at the Board Meetings.

*The Treasurer has met with Managers and reviewed the 2018 Budget with them to make sure that they are off to a good start.

*Our Communications Team is developing a new look and feel to our Clearwood Website and once it is rolled out you will find it very user friendly and it will make many tasks for Owners much easier to accomplish.  As it rolled out, watch the Website and Facebook Page for more up to date information and instructions.

I want to take this opportunity to let you know that we would really appreciate your attendance at Board Meetings.  It is a good way to stay informed about what is going on in the community and a way to communicate with the Board if you have concerns or issues that you would like to bring forward.

The next couple of months are going to be very busy.  Keep in mind, that any items that members want to bring forward to be voted on in August must be ready and turned in with all of the correct signatures by the March Board Meeting.  If there is anyone who has an interest in running for a Board Position, candidacy needs to be declared at the March Meeting as well.  There will be two seats open.  We will ensure that we get more information out to you as we prepare for the March Meeting.  If you have something that you wish to bring forward as a Member Resolution, the guide to follow is in the ByLaws in Section IV under Meetings.  If you have other questions please email [email protected].

In closing, the Board is in the process of positioning itself to take a deep dive into creating a Clearwood that is in compliance with the Covenants and By Laws.  We are working with the standing committees to ensure they have guidelines and standards, receive training and guidance, and are able to enforce the standards and requirements that we have to keep this community looking good and protecting our assets and property values.  It is a good time for each owner to take the time to refresh their knowledge of  the building and construction requirements, the permitting process, and RV storage requirements as those are the areas where we will be starting. And, if you have an interest in any of these things and would like to volunteer your time to assist, you can contact Wendi Broden at [email protected] and she will assist you in finding a good match for your skills and abilities and availability.