Letter of Apology From the Member Who Came into the Office and Claimed to be Sick.

To the Clearwood Community,

“This morning in the office I made comment of traveling to Wuhan, China where the CoronaVirus outbreak including a cough. I now realize  that I have upset many of my friends and neighbors in the community.  This was not my intention and accept full responsibility for the panic I have caused. I understand what will incur over my making light of a very serious issue. I have given my job supervisor’s information to Mr. Waterman (Clearwood Association General Manager) and he will validate my whereabouts over the past month or more. I again offer my sincere apologies and it was not intentions in no way shape or form to cause the community to go through what they have.”

( GM Update: I called and spoke with this members Supervisor who verified, through time records, that this member has not had a day off since last September, a time prior to the CoronaVirus outbreak)