Message From the Acting President, June 29, 2018

As Acting President I would like to reassure the community that Clearwood is functioning well. All the assets, employees and systems are in place as they have always been. What has changed is that two competent Board officers resigned under persistent criticisms and attacks by a handful of members in the community culminating in a threatening, unsigned letter claimed by a member. One other Board officer resigned due to personal reasons. Linda Doucette and I, both past Presidents, stepped up to hold everything together over the last few weeks while we get through this latest episode. This is not the  first attempt by this member to disrupt the Board. It is not her first coup.  On two occasions in 2017 she attempted to remove officers. One President resigned in January 2017 and his successor was ousted in April. These disruptions take their toll.

Newcomers to the community may not know that the Board of Directors is made up of unpaid volunteers often with full-time jobs outside the community. The full complement of directors is seven, but over the last year the number has dropped from seven to five. No-one stepped up to fill the two vacant seats in spite of attempts by the Board to look for replacement directors on the Website and on Social Media. The days of volunteering are gone. Members are busy with jobs and family. They do not have time to volunteer.

Linda Doucette and I have lived in the community for many years. Brian and I came in March of 2002, Linda has been here for over twenty years. We have served on all of the committees and the Board, and work well with the staff and employees. We turned to three other past Presidents and Officers to join us on the Board help get us through this current crisis. Bob Owen, Vic Espinosa, and Patty Kiehne agreed to help. This leaves two vacant seats on the Board and these will be filled by the regular process. There has already been some interest in these positions and the new Board will be addressing that soon.

We ask that you allow the Board to do it’s job in the best interests of the community. Disruptions and attempted coups do not bring lasting solutions. Let us continue to serve you and the community without the drama. After the working meeting with the new Board today I will have a better idea for going forward. Thanks for your patience and support.

Valerie Cawley