Message from the President … How Are We Doing?

July 16, 2018

Just to bring you up to date: on June 27, 2018 three Board Officers declared their intent to resign without any plan to transition to a replacement Board. The Board was left without a President, Treasurer and Secretary. Two directors, Linda Doucette, past president/director and myself, Valerie Cawley, past president/vice president were left to gather up the pieces and hold the Board together.

What would have happened if we had all quit that day> I’m not sure, but I have heard that the State steps in because we are no longer a viable entity. I did Google the question and found this, quote: “If the board is no longer independent and becomes a rubber stamp for the state bar, then it’ll prevent any meaningful reforms to solving the access-to-justice gap.” My thoughts were that we could be subject to a PPM company chosen by a judge, and our water system sold to the highest bidder. Luckily, Linda Doucette and I were able to work with the outgoing directors to seat three new directors to fill their positions before and after they left. The Bylaws give the Board authority to do this. V. Board of Directors 5. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors SHALL be filled by appointment by a majority of the remaining directors. Two of the appointees stayed short-term to help us get through the crisis. Thank you, Bob Owen and Vic Espinosa.

Two weeks after the departure of the three officers, we have a viable Board with a full complement of seven directors for the first time in months.
President: Val Cawley (past President, VP and committee chair person)
Vice President: Brian Gerrish (past director, project manager/committee chair)
Treasurer: John Moore (past VP, Sheriff liaison and insurance POC>
Secretary: Patty Kiehne (past executive secretary, board secretary, director and committee memeber)
Director: Linda Doucette (past president, director and committee chair)
Director: Sooze Fitsik (newly appointed)
Director: Emily Martin (newly appointed, committee chair)

News in brief Brian Gerrish is the new POC for the gates. The key-card test on Friday was interrupted by the County Road workers who needed the gates open to increase the flow of traffic. Consolidated is working with us to increase the bandwidth for the new High Definition cameras at the back gate. We are working with NWS on the Well #5 and the Audit is well under way. The bank has recorded new check signers. The sub-committee to look into Professional Property Management will be up and running soon. All in all, the Board is stabilizing.

Thanks for you support.

Val Cawley