Presidential Update

I can’t believe I keep saying this, but it is already November and Fall in here! I think this is one of my favorite times of the year because of all the colors! And while I know it can be a pain to keep cleaned up, watching the leaves fall as they change colors and seeing them on the forest floor is just a reminder of how beautiful nature can be! I don’t like leaving for work in the dark and coming home in the dark, but I do know it makes me appreciate Spring and Summer so much more! And we had our first small snowfall and it was beautiful! I was happy it fell on a Sunday so that was helpful! We still had a group of dedicated volunteers out checking the roads and our wonderful Maintenance crew came in and took care of business to ensure we were in good shape! I have been thinking about what I wanted to talk about this month and I want to talk about the year ahead! We have a new Board member! Linda Azzarella was seated last weekend to replace the vacant Director chair vacated by Jim Landon. I think that she will be a great asset to the board as she comes to us with a bold personality, is an independent thinker, has a strong moral compass, and is a longtime resident who has a strong knowledge of Clearwood History. So, we have some very strong personalities on the Board, and seven independent free thinkers who all have strong opinions and are not afraid of expressing them.

At our November meeting, the Board will be discussing a few very important items, to include priorities for the next year, projects that need to be undertaken as a part of the reserve study, the Well 5 project, bulkhead repair updates, we will discuss the Contingency Fund and a Collection Policy that helps solidify into process each step taken when there are overdue fees and assessments. Additionally, the Patrol group will be formalizing a “Vacation Check” form for Board review that will allow owners the ability to complete a form online and send to the office, or stop by the office and report the dates they will be away from their homes. Our Patrol team and the local Sheriff patrols will use those forms to check the houses for security while owners are away. We can put long term vacancies on the forms as well to better ensure that we know if we have squatters. It is a simplistic way of the owner identifying they are the owners and the property is supposed to be vacant. It is used in another HOA by the Sheriff Office and has been very effective in helping in crime prevention. You will see more posted after the next Board Meeting. And we are also introducing a Vicious Dog resolution that we intend to take to the membership for vote in August of 2018.

So, please come to the Board Meeting on the 18th at 9 AM. You need to understand, that if you want to see the discussions and hear the questions asked by each of us before we make up our minds on how to vote in the interest of the community that you must take the time to attend the Board Meetings. I have seen a large amount of criticism from a small number of people that we all think alike and have our own agendas. That is so far from true. There are a lot of words exchanged as we discuss the how’s and why’s of what we think is right and best and that is a healthy decision-making process. If, as an owner, you want to be heard and express your opinion we offer an Owner’s Forum section of every meeting at TWO different points in the meeting. One is at the beginning where you can make a statement about a subject that is on the Agenda before we start discussions, and one is at the end of the meeting where you can have 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how many people wish to speak, to address the board with items that are appropriate for a meeting. It is not a time to come and by pass any appeal processes that are already expressed in procedure in the CCR’s. Your other option is to EMAIL [email protected] and ask questions that you wish to have answered. If we can answer them right away, we will. If it needs research or discussion we will discuss as a Board. This is YOUR community and if you wish to participate in the Governing Process, you need to be involved. Meetings are held the third Saturday of every month at 9 AM in the Board Conference Room.

Communications are an important issue for us as the Board. If you wish to ask the BOARD a question as a whole, [email protected] is the email address that should be used. Our Board Secretary reads those emails and responds or delegates it to the most appropriate person to answer the question, whether it is the Maintenance Manager, the Office Manager, or one of the committee Chairs, or Board member.

Please don’t use social media to ask questions of me because sometimes it is a week before I check the official sites that the Board uses. Our sites are not intended to be used to engage in heated discussions between owners and board members, although I have seen that happen and I will personally not participate, nor am I responsible for the actions and words of others. I believe in treating everyone with dignity and respect and am making a concentrated effort to handle my differences with Board members in private.

In closing, and before this becomes a Novel, I would be remiss in not mentioning that we are still in need of volunteers in many areas! Thanks to the four folks who have stepped up to work on the Roads and Water Committee! They will be meeting the first time this Saturday. Our Maintenance Manager has agreed to attend those meetings to ensure they have complete knowledge of what we have available in the way of equipment and will be responsible for managing any projects related to either item. Syndi Martin is the liaison to the Board for that committee as she continues to keep the Board updated on the Well Project. And thanks to our wonderful Volunteer Coordinator who continues to draw people to new committee membership!