Pool and Garage Sale Update

Many of you have had questions about whether the pool will be opened, and whether the garage sale will take place on the rescheduled dates of August 15 and 16.  The Board met last Saturday, July 25 and made the following decisions. 

It is with deep regret that the Board has decided to not open the pool this year, due to continued COVID-19 restrictions.  The Board hoped to open it when Thurston County reached Phase 4, but it appears that there will be a significant delay in that happening, as well as the Governor’s new mandate that groups can be no larger than 10.  Management will be taking this opportunity to make some much-needed repairs and improvements to the pool area (repairing the fence, painting the pool deck, replacing the sinks and counter tops, etc.).  In addition, the Board and Management had a discussion on how to accommodate the members better next year, possibly by adjusting the pool schedule to have more night swims.  

With the pool being closed, the Board looked for ways to provide an alternative for members to offset the loss of access to the pool.  An alternative that was looked into was to provide two slides to attach to the Easy Docks.  Insurance was contacted, and saw no reason to be concerned.  They assured us that the cost of insurance would not go up.  As it turned out, the timetable for the purchase and installation would not allow for the slides to be available this summer season.  The decision was made not to go forward with this purchase.  The Board is going to be creating survey for members asking about their preferences for future amenities. 

The Board decided that the Annual Garage Sale will take place August 15 and 16, as a community event.  The gates will not be opened to the public.  Members are encouraged to post signs and set up their yards for the sale.  You are encouraged use social distancing guidelines, including masks as necessary.  Past experience indicates that many, if not most, purchases are made by community members. The Community Garage Sale is always an opportunity to meet your neighbors as well as make a small profit.  Please understand, this is an effort by the Board to keep Clearwood members healthy and safe. 

If you have any questions or comments, send them to [email protected].