Resignation of President Aaron Lang

Please see below the text from a letter dated December 1, 2019 and submitted to the Association earlier today, December 14, 2019.

Dear Members of the Board and Community,

Over the past eighteen months we have all come to realize a great deal of truths in and of our Association. Subsequently I decided to become involved and was appointed to the Board of Directors just about a year ago and elected as a write-in this past August.

I joined the Board with three motivating vital factors in mind: stabilization of our operations, finances, and culture. Over the past twelve months I’ve observed a major shift in these areas. I am proud of the changes that have been made in pursuit of these goals, and I am hopeful they will continue to maintain and develop. In my opinion it is paramount to our communal success that we continue to fight for these things and compromise nothing in that venture.

We are now well underway on the path to realizing these goals. Because of that, I am confidently making the decision to devote my time where it belongs: in my home with my wife and two young children. It is with sadness, and some relief, that I am announcing my resignation from the Clearwood Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2020. To ensure continuity in the pursuit of justice regarding the alleged embezzlement, and the cooperative transfer of corporate knowledge, I will remain available to our Board, Counsel, and management to discuss anything if requested.

I believe whole-heartedly that our Community is on a good path. As we navigate it, we desperately need people on the Board of sound mind and judgement. This is a good group of individuals, and we’ve pushed through many issues together regardless of our differences and disagreements, for the good of the Association. My departure from the Board will naturally leave a vacancy, and it is likely that the Board will move to fill the vacancy in the imminent future. If you wish to be a part of the efforts to bring professionalism and principled stability to our Association, please consider stepping up to be considered to be a Director of the Association.

If you have any questions for me, please don’t hesitate to reach out. With that, I wish you and your family a very happy holiday season, merry Christmas, and a happy new year!

Sincerely and Respectfully,

Aaron M. Lang
President of the Board of Directors
Clearwood Community Association

[email protected]