
As COVID-19 reached Phase 3, we reactivated proactive compliance by touring the community on an average of 6 hours/ week monitoring for specific non-compliant conditions. The goal of compliance is to ensure community standards are being maintained consistent with established Rules and Regulations equally and fairly throughout all Divisions in the community. Observed non-complaint conditions will be documented and reported to the Violations Committee for their review. Our Restrictive Covenants, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Architectural Control Guidelines and Rules and Regulations provide the boundaries that define the requirements to be compliant. By virtue of ownership members of CCA are subject to these provisions which are established by purchase.

Violation Report Form (Click Here)

Violations Committee


The primary responsibility of the Violation Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors of CCA in regards to the enforcement of the Amended Protective Covenants, By-Laws, Policies and/or Rules and Regulations, providing a non-discriminatory system of legal due process, community controls and governing procedures.

Committee Members:

Chair: Deborah Baker

Secretary: Sarah Eden

Committee Members: Mariel Lindblad, Deborah Baker, Sarah Eden, Walter White (Board Member), Kelly Burningham (Liaison/Board Member).

Meeting Times:

Violations Committee meets on the second and fourth Friday of every month 9:00am at the Clearwood office.  NOTE:  Committee is currently meeting via Zoom.

Meeting Minutes:
Meeting Minutes for the Violations Committee are not available for public viewing to protect the privacy of everyone involved. Thank you for your understanding.